Temple Presbyterian Church

Welcome to Temple Presbyterian Church. We are a small but growing fellowship of believers who gather to worship Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We are a warm and caring church on the western side of Clover, SC. We are Christ-centered, Bible believing/teaching, and family friendly…

Current and Upcoming Activities and Information

Worship Preaching Series

Come and join us on Sunday mornings in the month of February and into the Spring as we complete our journey in the Book of Acts. Join us at 11 am in person or via our livestream.

Temple Times Newsletter

Click on the picture to the left to access this month’s Temple Times, our monthly newsletter containing updates, articles, events, and other information about Temple Church.

Who We Are


Our Purpose Statement

Our purpose statement (why we exist):

“We exist, by God’s grace and for His glory, to develop Believing, Living and Sharing disciples of Jesus Christ.”

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”

Matthew 28:19

Our Philosophy of Ministry

Our philosophy of ministry (how we go about living out our Purpose Statement), is seen in the Gospel of Mark when Christ called to Himself his disciples. Our POM is Christ-centered (believing), Word driven (living), and relationally focused (sharing).

Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”

Mark 1: 16-20

Our Core Ministry Values

Our core values (the tools we use to implement our Purpose Statement through our Philosophy of Ministry) focus upon the following areas:

Worship - Discipleship - Fellowship -

Leadership - Relationship - Lordship

Do you love me? … Feed my sheep.”

John 21: 17

Where We Come From

Temple Presbyterian Church

Temple has a rich and proud history of being a Bible-believing and teaching church for many years. Click below to gain a fuller understanding of our history.


Presbyterian Church in America

As with our local body of believers at Temple, the PCA has an exciting history of maintaining a love for the Lord, a rich heritage of Biblical preaching and teaching and a love for and outreach to our nation and the world. Click below:

Believing. Living. Sharing.

In Christ.